1. General Liability Insurance – On-Campus Events

The University has general liability insurance which provides coverage for claims of bodily injury and property damage against the University arising out of the negligent actions of the insured party. RSO Faculty and Staff Advisers are Insureds under the University policy which also covers them for their service to RSOs. However, Registered Student Organizations (RSO’s) and their individual members are not covered by the University’s general liability insurance.

While RSO’s do not have general liability insurance coverage from the University, the University does not require RSO’s to purchase additional insurance for most of their on-campus activities. Except for those noted under section #2 (On-Campus Events Requiring RSO’s to Purchase Liability Insurance)

On-Campus activities that do not need additional insurance include:

  1. Group meetings.
  2. RSO sponsored concerts attended by University students (Entertainers must have liability coverage).
  3. All RSO meetings and events within student union facilities (Nebraska Union, Nebraska East Union, Jackie Gaughan Multicultural Center and outdoor spaces adjacent to the unions).
  4. Campus space reservations.
  5. RSO on-campus events and programs intended for and attended by University community and students.

2. On-Campus Events Requiring RSO’s to Purchase Liability Insurance

While the University does not require additional liability insurance for most on-campus activities, the University does require RSO’s to provide a certificate of insurance in order to conduct the following types of activities on campus:

  1. Athletic events including 5K or Fun runs;
  2. Activities or events to which the general public is the primary audience;
  3. Activities involving the use of amusement devices (e.g., rides, slides, inflatables, bungees, climbing walls, dunk tanks);
  4. Activities or events which involve animals;
  5. Activities determined by Student Involvement and the UNL Risk Management Office to be a potential risk to the University or its students, faculty or staff members;
  6. Sports Clubs and similar organizations need to obtain their own general liability coverage (Your governing body may be a source for such coverage).
  7. Any outside vendor or non-profit who is an RSO or will be partnering with an RSO is required to have a certificate of insurance on file. This includes Greek entities.

Where insurance is required, RSO’s will be required to provide a certificate of insurance in order to conduct events at University facilities. In these cases, insurance requirements for RSO’s must be consistent with the terms of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s agreement with other third-party users of University space.

To conduct excluded activities in University facilities, RSO’s must provide proof of general liability insurance coverage (i.e., a certificate of insurance) covering that organization’s event, naming the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska as an additional insured and evidencing coverage with a limit of not less than $1,000,000.00 combined single limit for bodily and personal injury and property damage. The University has a Tenant User Liability Program where a RSO can purchase the liability coverage for the events on-campus. To get information on this program, please contact the UNL Risk Management Office.

3. Coverage for Off-Campus Activities

  1. In addition to not being covered by the University for their on-campus activities, RSO’s and their individual members are not covered for liabilities arising from their off-campus activities by any University general liability insurance. The University recommends that RSO’s consider purchasing their own general liability insurance coverage for their off-campus activities. While the University cannot provide this coverage, other insurance agents may be able to provide coverage for your organization.
  2. Travel insurance is required for all trips where University of Nebraska-Lincoln students participate as a Recognized Student Organization (RSO) beyond a ten-mile radius of the campus. Insurance is not required but is available and may be purchased for travel/events within a ten-mile radius of the campus if requested. Student travel sponsored by Recognized Student Organizations (RSO’s) must be approved in advance by the RSO’s adviser and Student Involvement. Approval from Student Involvement is established through the Event Planning Registration (EPR). RSO travel always requires an EPR form and travel insurance regardless of the destination or type of transportation.
  3. All students traveling officially for the University beyond a ten-mile radius of the campus must be covered by a minimum of $30,000.00 accidental death insurance and $2,500.00 of accidental medical insurance. The University offers this amount of coverage to RSO’s for $0.25 per UNL student per day. These funds can be deducted directly from the RSO’s Student Organization Financial Services (SOFS) account. Student Field Trip Forms that list the name, emergency contact information and the NU ID number of the students traveling are available from the SOFS Office or Student Involvement. The RSO needs to complete and return the insurance form to the SOFS Office at least two business days before RSO members depart. If the RSO is renting a vehicle from University Transportation Services, one copy of the Student Field Trip Form needs to be taken to Transportation Services when picking up a rental vehicle.

4. Compliance with Insurance Requirements

Where necessary, RSO’s shall be responsible for securing necessary liability insurance coverage to conduct activities using University facilities that are excluded from the General Liability Insurance program provided by the University.

Student Involvement and the UNL Risk Management Office shall provide educational support addressing risk management and insurance issues and shall provide current information regarding insurance coverage options in conjunction with annual registration.

Proper registration of an event or activity by a Recognized Student Organization with the Student Involvement Office insures the organization under this policy.

FAILURE TO REGISTER AN EVENT MEANS THE ORGANIZATION IS NOT INSURED. For more information contact either SOFS or Student Involvement.